Saturday, April 19, 2014

Fun With Birds #2

I hope you saw Fun With Birds #1. Two posts before this one. Now I want to show a few more birds I have recently been watching and having fun with.

This was from an earlier post and I know some of you remember seeing the wrens building their nest in this can.

The building ended and mama was seen every day sitting in the nest. I didn't get a good picture of her eggs but was able to see two.

After the babies hatched I could see four, very crowded in the small nest.

A few weeks went by and I watched the parents bringing worms to feed their little ones. And finally, the babies were looking pretty much like the parents and two weeks ago I looked into an empty nest.  I was really hoping to be watching to see them leave but, missed that big event.

This guy and others like him (as many as twelve at a time) have been visiting my yard almost daily  for months.

They have been entertaining and have caused no trouble in the garden.

But, now I know why this little birdbath seemed to get empty so often!

Then one day I saw this one on my neighbor's housetop.

What a show he was putting on up there.

White Ibis are a regular sight in the neighborhood, too. They mostly travel in groups up and down the streets looking for food. 

Very commonplace but still a nice treat and fun to see.

These are often seen soaring so gracefully high in the sky but very seldom down low enough to get a picture. 

It was a real treat to look up in an extremely large and tall Cypress tree in my backdoor neighbor's yard and see three of them - Kites.  Easy to identify when you see their split tail.

They are beautiful and quite large. These are way up there and I was pleased to get some clear photo's with the camera zoomed as far as it would go.

Preening or bashful.

I see way more than I would rather see of hawks. This one is bigger than most. I usually see red shouldered hawks and they are a bit slimmer than some types. He has an interesting pose with one leg hanging down.

Now, those of you that saw my last post remember a picture of this? But, look close, there is something different now.

I went out the front door today and a wren flew across from this right in front of me. This couple is much faster with the building. The ones in the can took weeks. This nest looks almost finished, since yesterday.

A new family of Carolina wrens will be happening here! I will have to decide, do I leave the Easter eggs until the babies come and go, long after Easter? I will show an update later.



  1. Nice pictures, Betty. How entertaining to have the turkeys visit daily! Mr and Mrs Wren have a cozy place to raise their babies!

    1. Thanks, Freida. Yes, the turkeys have been entertaining and have become commonplace that I no longer run out with my camera!


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