........... Rain, that is. In the winter we never get enough and need to do a lot of hand watering but, this is our rainy season, after all. Two days in a row with torrential downpours on already water-logged ground. The weather reporter said we got 2-3" yesterday and it only rained about twenty minutes! Then along about 3:30 last night I woke up to yet another hard rain, with no place for it to go......
This was made yesterday afternoon, from the edge of my yard and shows the end of the street, totally flooded over. A large portion of my back yard has turned into a pond, again! I didn't even want to look out there this morning at the break of day. In spite of the excess rain I have had a lot of blooms from plants on higher ground. Last week I gathered enough roses for the second bouquet for the library. It was not quite as pretty as the first one.
Here it is in it's place in the library and showing a different side.
I love the close-up view of Clair Matin in all her old fashioned glory. She blooms in big clusters. She is a climber. I had her growing on a metal trellis until hurricane Charley came along. Charley blew the whole thing over and broke the trellis. Since then, she has just been sprawling over a large area.
Out front the old fashion lilies are blooming. This one and....
....this one are from divisions of my friend's lilies. Her starts came from her family who lives in Difficult, Tennessee or is it Defeated, Tennessee. The family is scattered in or near those two towns. I wonder how they got their names!! Anyhow, I am very happy to have these lilies.
The Stokes Asters have been blooming nice this spring. I keeping hoping more plants will spring up, which is their nature.
The stems grow so tall that they eventually fall over.
This Tabouchina or Princess Flower has had blooms ever since I planted it several months ago. This one is a dwarf and is about three feet tall. I am hoping it will get to be at least four feet.
The blossoms are almost neon purple!
It is the season for caladiums. They disappear in the fall and make their appearance again in the spring.
My favorite one, by far, is this variety. Doesn't it look like it was splattered with a paint brush? I am trying it in a new location.
It looks good nestled here among the spider plants. It should grow to cover over most of the mini-bark that is now showing.
I have many more plant pictures but will save the rest for another time.
As always, thank you for stopping by
Oh goodness Betty, you sure don't want lake front property this way!!! Your blooms are gorgeous!