Thursday, May 22, 2014

A Visit to the Nehrling Gardens

Back in 1885 Mr. Henry Nehrling purchased sixty plus acres near what is now called Gotha, Florida. He wanted the land for the purpose of experimenting with tropical and subtropical plants. And, experiment he did! He tested over 3,000 new and rare plants.  Many of which are growing in Florida to this day.

The sign gives some more details if you are interested.

The 1880's house was moved by oxcart to the site in the early 1900's. It is in fair condition.

A very inviting porch across the front.

I don't know how old the doorbell is but I love it.

Part of the back of the house. 

An old hand pump located on a stone well.

We took a walking tour of some of the grounds. All work done here is by volunteers. And, as depending on volunteers usually goes it appears that there are not enough of them. They gather there on two Saturdays of the month to do the major work. I wish I could find the time and energy to go help! They receive no government money so that is also secured by donation, fundraisers, etc. Nehrling is listed as one of Florida's most endangered Historical Sites. It would be a shame to let it go after all these years.

This is one of the several magnificent trees on the site.

This bent-over one forms an arch over the trail.

My daughter and I were taken on the tour by this young lady. She doubled the pleasure of the walk with her excitement and knowledge of the place. And, she has a picture perfect look for doing this! 

Along with many of the plants and trees that Nehrling worked with, they have some good looking vegetables growing.

Very nice tomatoes.

Our guide stopped long enough to gather vegetables for her lunch. This is a very impressive tower of vegetables and greens!  The young lady lives on the property.

Both purple and......

.......white butterfly bushes.

They are doing the job - attracting butterflies. I am so hoping the organization can attract enough interest, funds and workers to keep the gardens operating. 
It was a nice day before Mother's Day experience for my daughter and I. 

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful that this is all kept by volunteers! I loved the images of the 'doorbell' and the old pump. This is the sort of place I'd like to visit.
    I'm going to try to follow - I've been having some trouble with following by email - feedburner has been uncooperative lately......but I'll give it a try. I'd like to visit again.


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