Wednesday, December 31, 2014

All Through the House #3


This number three of Christmas all through the house starts in my bedroom.  It was a dark, rainy day for picture taking but, the rooms are dark on a sunny day and it really makes little difference. I kind of like what looks like a sepia tone for these, although I lightened every picture. Wish they could be sharper.

This is on a small wash stand piece of furniture. For Christmas I added the snowmen around their fire and the little sprig in the stemware button holder. The other things stay year round.


I have a Christmas wreath on the wall and added red pillows to the bed but those pictures are just not good enough to show.
Now we are in the tiny hall bathroom.  The big silver tub holds towels, etc. all year, but gets brightened up with a little red and icy sprigs for Christmas.


A year round chandelier over the silver tub has the addition of red balls. It's the first time I have used them here.

They are a nice addition.

Just enough space by the silver tub to hold Grandma's tiny shoe with it's bottle brush tree.

I love having the little shoe that my mother-in-law wore!

A silver ring with hanging silver bells on the end of the divider wall.  Can't have too many bells at Christmastime.

Festive paper towels by the sink.

And, in case you prefer a cloth one.

A poinsettia shaped bar of soap.

Just outside in the hall, Mickey bells on the linen closet door.

In my little guest room the old suitcase gets some Christmas greenery, Three yarn cone trees and a red garland.



Beside the suitcase a bottlebrush tree and a little girl dressed in her snow coat and hat.

On the bed a plain wreath and metal stocking.

On the table by the bed.

A cross stitched Santa on a pillow, that I did many years ago. I did a lot of cross stitching and this one was always a favorite. And, is the only piece that I ever display.
This is truly picture overload but, it is hard for me to show little details without showing most of them! 
Although, I never got around to showing anything outside and a few other areas, I am going to call the Christmas theme finished and wish you a Very Happy New Year with many blessings to enjoy!



  1. You've decorated with so many beautiful mixed with old. I love it and I love that old suitcase! Happy New year sweet friend! Hugs, Diane

    1. Thank you, Diane. And, a special Happy New Year to you!

  2. Oh I love the Mickey bells! Happy new year!

    1. The Mickey was a hand-out to everyone that attended an after Christmas Herb Society meeting one year. The lady worked at Penny's and had a lot of "left-overs". I didn't really appreciate it at the time as I do now. Funny how some things can "grow on you". Happy and healthy new year to you, Ceekay!

  3. You have so many great ideas! So beautiful!

    1. Thanks, I always run out of space way before ideas!


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