Friday, August 10, 2012

In The Spotlight......

.....I took a quick walk around the yard this morning and right away noticed how the early sun was spotlighting certain small areas. It was as if dreamy and magical spots were being lit up in a hand-selected special way.

The pictures don't show it as distinctly as I saw it - wish you had been walking with me. This middle clerodendrum blossom was the chosen spot in this area. The tree on the right is dead.

Here, in the middle of this big patch of shade ferns, a large bromeliad was the only thing getting sun and was definitely being featured.

A few steps over Justin, named after my first grandson, was enjoying being "the one" above all else!  I bought this when grandson Justin wasn't much taller than figurine Justin. As soon as I saw him for sale his nonchalant stance and expression made me think of little Justin. Little Justin is way taller now with two children of his own.  The empty pot you see here had been the home of a pretty, purple hollyhock and I am hoping it will reappear this winter or early spring.  Do they reseed? I have forgotten.

This is an oversized seashell on a pedestal. I have a lot of cleanup to do here!  I've got runaway ferns and too many other things have popped up in the oriental jasmine ground cover causing this big patch not to be the neat place I like.

A sprinkling of sun rays on the peacock.

I have dozens of periwinkles in the front yard, along one side and here in the back of the house. I have white, lavender, peach and two shades of pink. They appear on their own and contribute color and interest with no effort from me. This one was the feature of the day.

I so love rose buds, even the ones that have no color showing.  They are signs of something good on the way. It is nice to watch things progress and mature.

My pepper crop - one plant and two peppers! It is being warmed by the sun, happily soaking it in.

While getting this together I kind of related the way the sun lights things up in the garden to our "garden of life". My garden includes a lot of standing water right now, empty pots, ferns taking over, not to mention the weeds, and a dead tree that needs to be removed. But, without expecting perfection it still has a lot of beauty. We are all living in an imperfect world with its disappointments, empty spots, intruders, and things we would like to have chopped down and hauled away.  But every day we all have special bursts of "sunlight" and some days full "sun" which allows for gathering golden moments that light up our days and we can thrive, be productive and have glorious lives.  
Here is wishing you great  "Son"shine, light-filled days ahead!


  1. It is beautiful...I love your yard...

  2. Read this quote today ~ "In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary." ~ Aaron Rose Thank you for the lovely walk in your yard and sharing thoughts on our "garden of life".....such a nice post!


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