Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A land of contrasts!!!.......................

......Snow storm in Seattle, below freezing in Nashville and short-sleeved weather here where I live! What contrasts we do have in our land. I actually have noticeable contrasts in my own yard!

This morning I brought in branches from a small bare tree which evokes a bit of winter wonderland.

I put a "wrap" on it to warm it up some.

Part of the yard still looks very fall like.

And then I go around to the front yard and see this.

While watering, I noticed the azalea bush has several buds on it.

In my neighbor's yard is this look - a gigantic, and I do mean gigantic, barren cypress tree.  It looks dead but will soon green up on the few branches it still has. It was struck by lightening and it is missing its top. But, is still very, very tall and did I say big!  It is also very old. When I moved here I was told 1400 years old.

Around front again I find some more color.

Not much, but here and there you would think it might be spring or summer.

This was the first sighting of a blooming Johnny-jump-up. Viola. That is always a special moment when the first one is spotted. They are still jumping up here and there. With heavier mulching they don't get as thick as they once did.

On the front porch is a stark winter look. The wreath is resting here until it gets all dressed up for spring.

Thyme likes our cooler winter weather.

I forgot to take this one in during our two nights with below freezing temperature. Surprisingly, it came through just fine. It is up close to the back of the house at the dining-room window which probably helped.

Very wintry looking! And, I could show you some more drab contrasts but will finish out with color.

One lone petunia.

These miniature gnomes look like they weathered the cold just fine. Of course they were covered up on the back porch those two nights.

Pink salvia is a survivor.

It only takes a glance at this ivory geranium to warm up any cold day for me! It is just coming back from suffering through the hot summer.

I just had to add this one after publishing the post!  I didn't notice when I was out this morning that this  bush is starting to bloom again. Sweet rose - Ducher. Pronunced, do-shay.

I took several pictures in this area this morning but they just don't show the play of light and water that I was seeing. That is bubbling water at the top. This couple seems to handle all that comes to them. He is always sheltering her with his arm!


No matter what kind of weather you are having, I hope you have a protective arm around you!



  1. I too have a few blooms yet. But did move my geraniums into the garage while it's so cold.

  2. Hi, my name is Heather! Please email me when you can, I have a question about your blog!


  3. It's nice to see your little bursts of color. I love geraniums. They are such a pretty flower. And that sweet looks like a creamy white color. Is it? It is so pretty.
    I'm thankful to have my heavenly Father's protective arms around me everyday.

    1. Thank you. I have had trouble growing geranuims but, I like them too. I especially like the white one. It is an ivory white which is a favorite color of mine not only for flowers but for decorating and wearing. White flowers light up the garden and I like to pretend they light me up, too. The creamy Ducher rose is a great performer!


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