Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A great reward!

Due to the summer heat and onslaught of mosquitos I have not spent much time outside working in my yard.  Finally, got out this morning and did some good hard work. There is still a lot of catch up and the maintenance will be steady now in our best season all the way through to about July!

 I have been waiting all year for my Jerusalem Artichoke plants to mature and bloom. They have finally gotten tall, some about six feet and are blooming.  Saturday night a large limb fell right in the bed and knocked a bunch of them down!! I had to saw the branches off to get it light enough to drag away. After I finished the clean up work I took the following pictures of the ones still standing.

I shared some of the baby plants with a friend and saw her plants about a month ago and hers are way more sturdier with stalks much larger than mine.  These look spindly compared to hers but they still make a nice show.

This can light up your morning!

It is probably premature to take pictures since there are so many buds to open but, I was so anxious to see them on here!

And look what came along to enjoy the blossoms with me!!! This beautiful big swallowtail was not fluttering and seemed to not even be aware that I was a few feet away so I was able to get several good pictures.


I got in the birdfeeder for a special shot. Ha.ha.  My arms look old but not quite as old as they look in this reflection.  This tree is dead as a doorknob and must be taken down soon!

What a great reward I had for getting outside and doing the work and for remembering to have my camera with me!!!  Now, I need to get some pictures made for tomorrow's Tea Treasures Thursday!

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